Thursday, November 5, 2009

French… A Foreign Language to Jimmy

Me Knows Better Than to Say This… but I will. Well, Jimmy flew into Germany and drove into France. The countryside was beautiful and while going through the forests close to the border the drive reminded me of all those fairy tales we heard as kids … like Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel (which now, looking back on them were pretty disturbing… what kind of parents try to scare the crap out of kids?)… but I digress as usual. (Luckily this isn’t Twitter, or I would be out of words by now)… but back to the damn story.
Blah… Blah… Blah… oh yeah… the country was beautiful, people friendly and the food… not that great when compared to Italy. But the people were great to talk to. Luckily those two solid years of high school French came in really handy. I could converse if I only said, “Merci beau co.” Which I was forced to say for everything… including the food which only reinforced the idea that the food was good in their minds… which it wasn’t.

Then out of nowhere, the French language was flowing from Jimmy’s tongue. He was in another time and place… perhaps it was an out of body experience as he started pontificating, “Si j'ai été élu, il ne serait aucun gouvernement plus. Il n'y serait un poulet dans chaque pot, deux voitures dans chaque garage (pressé des cours en un seul emplacement) et un téléviseur grand écran plat sur chaque mur. De cours que tout le monde serait propriétaire que je possède la partie de la société de l'iPhone.” … All with the perfect accent of course.

And everyone was amazed.

Of course no one was amazed more than Jimmy… when he stumbled across the translator program on the Internet while writing this blog.

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