Saturday, November 12, 2011

Jimmy Receives Email on TSA

Me Knows Better Than to Say This... But I will.  Wow Big Brother is watching Jimmy.  Not sure if one of my regular FB readers turned me in or not, but Jimmy received a ominous email regarding the TSA.

Not sure if you have been following my latest exploits about the TSA, but I need to stash away a few more copies of Catcher in the Rye.

Delta, my regular airline carrier, sent me an opportunity in the email that I could not pass up... so to speak.

It looks like I can opt in for some special treatment from my favorite folks down at the TSA.

"SEE WHAT OTHER TRAVELER ARE SAYING ABOUT TSA'S NEW EXPEDITED SCREENING PROGRAM."  Not sure I want to get expedited to the front of that line again.

Down here at the bottom, it asks me if I have any friends of family who aren't in the screening program and might like to participate.  As a favor to all my FB friends, I have sent your emails to the TSA so you can enjoy the same expedited system I get.  Congratulations.  Christmas came early to all my friends!

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