Friday, February 5, 2010

Environmentalists of the World… UNTIE… Your Brains

Me Knows Better Than to Say This... But I will. If you are a Tree Hugger, then you may not appreciate this... but Jimmy thinks this is hilarious. I'm not saying anything about the political correctness of society, or the hypocrisy of it all, but I'm a bit confused by the purpose or intent of the sign.  I took this photo in the men's restroom at the Science Museum in Chicago.

Well, it seems pretty apparent that I should look for an air dryer around me because it "Saves trees, water, oil and landfill space" that is according to the sign.  And they apologize for not providing paper towels even though everyone perfers those.  I understand we need to protect our environment and all and I'm OK with that.

Which should I use? … Hot Air or Tree Pulp?

I'll help, but let me know where can I find something to dry my hands?  That's all I want.  I'll use the air dyers even though I prefer paper towels... but where are those damn air dryers which are supposed to be good for the environment?

Apparently not here!
Or are they just trying to insult the intelligence of the environmentalists?

So what are they implying here? I thought the Science Museum espoused a friendly environmental policy.. a green society... perhaps they are making a subtle hint at some people's intellect.

Apparently from the widespread use of paper towels… it didn’t bother anyone. And the ones that were concerned probably couldn’t read the sign.

(I should know better than to say that).  I did warned you if you were a tree hugger.

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