Saturday, June 26, 2010

Jimmy's Sign From Above

Me Knows Better Than to Say This… but I will.  OK, OK, OK… Jimmy knows he really needs glasses, but still won’t admit it.  As further evidence to support that conclusion, a business trip took me back through AmesIA.  A colleague suggested we make a quick tour through the campus, grab a bite to eat and continue our trip.  It had been a while since my last visit and since it was getting late, this was a good place to stop for supper.

Upon arriving at the campus, my head was on a swivel and I was amazed at all the changes.  I continued to drive and then I turned along Welch looking for a place to park and an old hangout that we could get a beer and burger. 

I commented to my traveling companion, “Wow, there sure have been a lot of changes around here.  They even have a clock tower in the middle of the street.  That wasn’t here the last time I was in town.”

A second later, I found a parking spot and noticed several unfamiliar buildings… ones that didn’t exist when I walked these same hallowed grounds. 

“Look… they even have a Visitor’s Center,” I stated much to my amazement.

My colleague looked around and asked, “Where?”

“Over there,” and I pointed at a two story building across the street that appeared to have been constructed out of bricks, but it was a little too dark to be certain.


“Over there,” I pointed again.  “See the two story building with the lights on the bottom level.  It has the sign over the top that says ‘Visitor’s Center'.  Can't you see that?" I said incredulously.

Casually, my friend corrected me, “Jimmy… you mean that sign that says ‘VISION CENTER’?”

Jimmy may not be that bright, but perhaps that could be a sign it's time for glasses.

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